Five experiments that could destroy our planet

in #science7 years ago
  • Trinity Test


Trinity's test was part of the US program "The Manhattan Project" for the development of nuclear weapons. This test, which took place on July 16, 1945, was the world's first explosion of an atomic device.

The initial development of the weapons of the new era was delayed because of fears of the scientist Edward Teller, who took part in the project. He assumed that detonation of a plutonium charge of such power could lead to the initiation of a self-sustaining chemical reaction involving nitrogen, which theoretically could lead to uncontrolled ignition of the Earth's atmosphere.

  • The Large Hadron Collider


When scientists on September 10, 2008 officially announced the creation of the Large Hadron Collider project, some began to believe that this device would lead to the destruction of the entire world.

A $ 6 billion particle accelerator project was created to disperse proton beams over a 27-kilometer tunnel tunnel with subsequent collision, which leads to the formation of microscopic black holes that are believed to have appeared immediately after the Big Bang.


That is some interesting stuff. Amazing what there putting together out there.