Transformers (Spoiler: It's not about Optimus Prime)

in #science7 years ago

Transformers are the static device which is used for transferring electricity from one circuit to another, without changing the frequency.
Transformers work on mutual induction principle, and are basically used for the purpose of increasing or decreasing the voltage.

Working process of a Transformer

In the picture above you can see that there are two windings, one of which is called primary winding and the other is called as the secondary winding. The core of the transformer is made of soft iron, upon which the windings are laid, and the core is also laminated for reducing the heat from the core.

Now let us see what happens when the voltage is applied to the transformer. First, we apply a voltage (Vp) to the primary winding, then the current starts to flow, let's call this current Ip.
When the current flows in the primary winding, this generates a flux in the primary winding, this flux travels through the core to the secondary winding and back to the primary winding.
When the flux crosses through the secondary winding, it will induce a voltage in the secondary winding and this voltage is called electromotive force(Es) and vice versa in primary winding that is called (Ep).
Now when we close the secondary winding circuit, a current will flow (Is) and the voltage (Vs).
When we increase the voltage in the primary winding the flux will increase and when the voltage has decreased the flux will decrease. hence the flux will continue to change vice versa.
in the transformer, only the voltage changes and the power remains constant.

                         `P = VI`

P = Power
V = Voltage
I = Current

Types of Transformers

There are two types of transformers,

  • Step Up Transformer
  • Step Down Transformer

Step Up Transformer:-
the transformer which converts low voltage to high Voltage is called Step Up Transformer. these type of transformers are used in increasing the voltage gain. the magnitude of the increment depends on the number of coils in the Primary and secondary windings. in Step-up transformer the number of coils in the primary winding is less than that of the secondary winding.

For example, the transformers used in generating stations are called the step-up transformers, because they require high voltage.

step down Transformers:-
the transformers which convert the high voltage to the low voltage are called step down transformers. These transforms are used for decreasing the voltage gain. In step down transformer, the number of coils in the primary winding is greater than that of the secondary winding.

For example, the transformers used near our homes are the step-down transformers, as the Appliance in our homes usually requires the voltage lower than the voltage in the power transmission lines.

Applications of Transformers

  • Transformers are used in electricity distribution.
  • Used for managing the voltage in the home appliances.
  • Transformers are used in the regulation of the voltage.

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gif Created by @foundation

Quote of the day-

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

-Nikola Tesla