Hello hello, dear readers, first of all I want to thank your time for going through my blog, and sorry if I have an error trying to write in English.
In this post I want to present you with a flower of a plant called fascinating Hibiscus Mutabilis that I have sown in my garden, it is also like "Cotton Rose" , and it has a particularity and that this plant gives a flower per day, and what is fascinating is that the flower comes out white, and at noon it turns pink and in the afternoon pink-fuchsia ... Here I leave some photos and I will talk a little more about this beautiful plant ...
Photo taken with my advanced Samsung Galaxy S and edited in the Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 program
Photo taken with my advanced Samsung Galaxy S and edited in the Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 program

Like the previous mentions the Hibiscus Mutabilis is a shrub also called a tree, It comes from China and can grow from 2 to 4 meters high, it is a plant with warm climates so it does not resist low temperatures, it requires sun throughout the year, the leaves are palmatilobed triangular triangles and margins from other parts , its surface is velvety, flowering white surge, gradually varying to an intense pink.Benefits
The leaves and flowers of this plant are emollients and coolants, used to treat infections and skin infections. Thank you for your valuable attention
We read in the next Post ...