"What is Nuclear Energy? Could it Possibly be a Practical Power Source?"
I believe in the reality that we are living in a generation where in energy is a requisite to sustain every life on earth. Energy consumption in various forms useful to humans such as electricity has been significantly increasing through time and it is becoming a serious threat to human survival.
Growing demands initially require vast quantity of supply with considerable number of human working force. An infinite amount of supply might resolve the problem of increasing demands. However, both are not the only problems that we should be addressing.
First, you must know that the main sources of this energy include coal, oil, natural gasses, uranium, biomass, geothermal energy and nature such as the wind, the moving water and the sunlight. Second, you must understand that most of these fuels need to be burned first in order to release energy.

The burning process of these carbon-based fuels also releases harmful pollutants to earth’s atmosphere which then also contributes to greenhouse effect and increase global temperature which is a more serious threat to life in earth.
There is no question about the environmental advantages of renewable energy sources such as sunlight, wind and moving water but the problem about these energy sources is their inconsistency and reliability during bad weather or drought-riddled times.
Not to mention the difficulty of generating large and sufficient amount of energy with equivalent energy produced by customary energy generators. Also, the cost of this technology is far in excess with the traditional way of generating energy.

Therefore, we really need to come up and decide with a better answer, somewhat like a long-term solution to this entire problem relating energy consumption. Fortunately, there already exist a better solution now, and that is nuclear fusion.
Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous in the world believed that nuclear fusion could provide an inexhaustible supply of energy without pollution or global warming. You can view his answer in an exclusive video in BBC here.
Before we understand Hawking’s point of view, let us first define what nuclear energy is. According to National Nuclear Regulator, nuclear energy is the energy in the nucleus or core of an atom. You can read the entire description here.
Under certain circumstances, the nucleus of a very large atom can split in two. In this process, a certain amount of the large atom’s mass is converted to pure energy following Einstein’s famous and in the 1930s and ’40s humans discovered this energy and recognized its potential as a weapon. Source whatisnuclear.com.
The discovery and development of nuclear energy can be traced back in Germany in year 1895 when Roentgen discovered a new kind of ray by experimenting with cathode rays in a glass tube. He then called the unknown ray an X-ray.

Basically, there are two fundamental process considered for nuclear energy production; fission and fusion. It is the fission reaction process that was discovered first and used by all commercial nuclear power plants to generate energy.
Fission is the energetic splitting of large atoms such as Uranium and Plutonium into two smaller atoms called the fission products .This splitting process involves hitting of those atoms with neutron. Also, the process simultaneously release neutrons which could also split other nearby atoms to produce a nuclear chain reaction of sustained energy release (source whatisnuclear.com).
Fusion on the other hand is the process of combining two smaller atoms such as Hydrogen or Helium to produce heavier atoms and energy. This particular process efficiently reduces radioactive byproducts significantly while producing much larger energy than fission.
However, this process has not been commercially developed yet although this reaction process occurs naturally in the sun where Hydrogen is used as fuel producing Helium as waste. This means that fission is the only reaction process used in all nuclear power plants today.
Nuclear energy from fission reaction currently supplies 12% of the world’s electricity. I will not explain the process on how this particular energy is converted into electricity but if you are interested about it then you can read it here.

There are over 400 nuclear power reactors in the whole world today and about 100 of that are in the USA. That number produces 20% of the total electricity consumption in the entire United States of America. That’s a 24/7 generation of energy without emission of pollutants such as carbon dioxide.
The problem with nuclear power plants today is the radioactive nuclear waste which must be stored carefully. Also consistent safety maintenance is also essential to avoid accidents which could cause spillage of this radioactive waste is extremely dangerous to environment.
This is why, Stephen Hawking preferred nuclear fusion rather than nuclear fission since nothing radioactive is really involved in fusion at all. Therefore nuclear fusion must be taken into consideration to get rid of the idea that nuclear power plant would just bring us potential disaster in the future.
1.) http://www.nnr.co.za/what-is-nuclear-energy/
2.) https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/the-future-of-energy-isnt-fossil-fuels-or-renewables-it-s-nuclear-fusion-8b9c09ad6e25
3.) https://whatisnuclear.com/articles/nucenergy.html
4.) https://nuclear.gepower.com/company-info/nuclear-power-basics

This being said, renewable energies are not 100% clean. There are pros and cons. It is good to keep that in mind. For instance, dams could have dramatic consequences on the ecosystem.
It is funny to quote Hawking on the topic of nuclear fusion. Hawking is famous, for sure, and his work is amazing. However, the domain of the energy is not at all his field. Therefore, why quoting him instead of a real expert?
In addition, saying that fusion is good is meaningless... This is promising except that this is not for tomorrow. We are not even sure that we will be able to rely on fusion in 50 years from now...
I really appreciate your effort in reading my post Sir! Anyway thank you for sharing your insights about the topic and thanks for the comment, I will continue thriving and improve my researching and writing skills. Thanks a lot!
I believe it is the answer to our energy insuffiency now. I just hope people will be educated about Nuclear Fusion. This could greatly impact our environment as well as our economy.
Absolutely true, people needs to be educated about nuclear energy especially fusion reaction.
In my oppinion, nuclear waste should be put into a particle accelerator in order to split it into lighter elements that disintegrate earlier ~20 years. Those cost should be added to the invoices the consumers are paying.
That's the only way renewable energy sources can compete with nuclear fision.
What do you think about?
Spent nuclear fuel can actually be burned in gen IV nuclear reactors. The fuel is dissolved in a molten salt which allows us to burn nuclear weapons material and thorium as well. This reactor could reduce the lifetime of nuclear waste from tens of thousands of years down to only hundreds of years.
Is it worth that extra cost compared to the bottom of the sea wharehouse?
I don't know anything about a warehouse at the bottom of the sea but it's worth it to get rid of radioactive waste that would otherwise last 10s of thousands of years.
I am not really sure about putting nuclear waste to a particle accelerator. Let's ask @lemouth then :D
I hope many will start think as you wrote here and understand the advantages of nuclear energy.
I really hope so.
Thank you for sharing @absonclz. Keep steeming!
As technology advances and poverty is reduced our energy consumption will keep increasing.
What you say here is important to sustain our constant innovation. I am sure we have all read the news about how much power bitcoin miners need to keep bitcoin blockchain going.
So new ways of obtaining and storing energy are important if we want to keep advancing.
That is why we need to plan for a sustainable long term.
kuyawa oi nuclear na man ni bai!
Storya2x ragud bai hahaha