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RE: Science of the Heart --Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance

in #science8 years ago (edited)

I came across "Science of the Heart" article and first heard of HeartMath Institute Last year .
(I have no any relation with HeartMath Institute so far)

Their Mission seems wonderful and attract my attention:

The mission of the HeartMath Institute is to help people bring their physical, mental and emotional systems into balanced alignment with their heart’s intuitive guidance. This unfolds the path for becoming heart-empowered individuals who choose the way of love, which they demonstrate through compassionate care for the well-being of themselves, others and Planet Earth.

Recently they launch a intriguing special research project : Global Tree Monitoring Network

Global Tree Monitoring Network


As you popped up out of nowhere, I can see you are a knowledge seeker. Very interesting information. I was always under the impression that it was the brain that regulated all emotion. The position that the heart emulates a miniature brain is interesting; although I am not sure if the electromagniticism is true. We have artificial hearts after all. Thanks for sharing. Don't want to be redundant lol

You are a seeker too man!

Despite artificial heart issue (you asked a good question !) remain.

"Science of the Heart" researched by HeartMath Institute maybe just first step of comprehensive study of heart using scientific approach by a large organization from spirituality point of view.

We all can feel feeling such as unconditional love, compassion, sincere caring etc ALL related with our Heart, so from spirituality point of view, or just from our intuitive or direct Knowing , Heart is not just an organ (so is brain ), it is also an spiritual organ used by human to express above mentioned feelings, Heart still have many more mysterious aspect we still unknown today.