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RE: What is beyond the universe(Part 1)

in #science8 years ago

Actually there are two ways of thinking about the universe and its infinity, one is usual as you have mentioned in your post, and the other one is opposite you just need to take a microscope and dig into a microscopic universe where we can find the same infinity... Just think about it :)


Yea yea, there's microscopic universe, just as we have positive infinite integers, we have negative infinte integers. I mentioned in a reply I made that I will write about this topic of how big the universe is and how small it is too.

Every theory is a right theory, especially when we do not know what is out there, why we are here, and what we are doing... maybe we are a created in a virtual reality? :)

Or maybe we are just a toy game created by some alien high school kids as class project.

As Elion Musk thinks, there's a one in a billion possibility for that, so still very possible.

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