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RE: 19 Questions/Answers About Black Holes (English/Turkish)

in #science7 years ago

Astronomers have been discovering objects for a long time, for which understanding did not require significantly new physical ideas. This applies not only to planets, stars and galaxies, but also to such an exotic body as white dwarfs and neutron stars. But the black hole is something completely different, it is a breakthrough into the unknown. Someone said that her insides are the best place to place the underworld. The study of holes, especially singularities, simply forces the use of such non-standard concepts and models, which until recently have not been discussed in physics — for example, quantum gravity and string theory. There are many problems that are unusual for physics, even painful, but, as it is now clear, are absolutely real. Therefore, the study of holes constantly requires fundamentally new theoretical approaches, including those that are on the verge of our knowledge of the physical world.