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RE: Myth or Fact? #28 - Can jellyfish kill people?

in #science8 years ago (edited)

The ones that'll kill a human are called box jellyfish, and you can forget your vinegar if one gets you!

And on Australian beaches, if you're stung by the more common "blue bottle" jellyfish for instance, you don't need vinegar handy, you just get your mate (or a random stranger) to pee on it. No, seriously, urine will help sooth the sting... unless it's from box jelly, then your a goner, but they're only common in the northern tropical waters of Australia, where you've got other BIG things to worry about, like saltwater crocodiles! Now there's a man eater!


I have the feeling that in Australia everything will kill you lol

Hahaha. Yeah, snakes, spiders, crocs, sharks, poisonous fish, jellyfish, octopuses... a kangaroo can even kill a man... plus the cute and cuddly koala population have chlamydia which you can catch...

Nice going @azurejasper. Distract me mid comment to feed the baby, and steel my pee on the victim comment while sitting on the dunny.
Well I did a little research and it's not recommended.
I have posted some useful evidence based advice regarding the Chironex fleckeri commonly known as the Boxjelly.
Here's a fun fact too lol. My phone keeps spell correcting boxjelly to bachelor. 😂 I'm not kidding.
😘 love you x