Any meaningful chance at being rewarded
is a very very big stretch @smooth.
I understand that there is only so much to go around but I think that it is excessive what you did, maybe consider downvoting with a lot less than 100%, please consider that.
A lot of people are here to do the social thing, to simply post things about their day to day life, or their art and creative process, and it's wonderful and they do get rewarded far more than any other, ANY OTHER place in the world for doing that, even if it is a meager .000001 of a cent, it still is more reward than the nothing that will be rewarded in forums and other media platforms, I know because I have been there, as I am sure you have too.
That they do it regardless of being paid or purely for profit is inconsequential: there's numerous websites that cater to patronage which means you can turn your art/creative endeavor into a real sustainable source of income based on merit and actual peoples trading their valuable time and effort in form of one commodity or another for their art/work but the engagement that those post provide is close nil, yes, almost zero. Commenting on an artwork, a story, a book, is akin to walking a gallery and musing at the art, complimenting the artist, and maybe getting their contact, or writing a letter to the editor to commend how powerful that book was, how inspiring their story and entertaining reading their work turned out to be, the reply will be a gesture, not a discussion, their praise will be the end of conversation. They can do that here, they can post their art, they can post their blogs, they have a chance to be merited if they chose to invest in the long run, otherwise they turn tail and run, if they don't chose to invest back into SP points, then the points they get will remain useless, they won't realize their potential and hurt the community by leaving the investors with a sour taste in the their wake.
The other posts that cater to the socialites who enjoy to talk about what they have done today, yesterday, or last year, their personal preferences or what they want/wish to do offer the community engagement in that direction and it's very narrow, it pertains to individualistic circumstances and rarely explores the conversation outside of that. Here we are though, in a post exploring philosophy, science, medicine, and that's engagement, these people here commenting are for the most part full of conviction for what they say, some have mentioned making major life decisions around these issues, they express their concern for their fellow man, they don't post to be rewarded, they are not looking for patrons, or a pat on the back, a congratulation on what you accomplished today so the engagement they provide is equally eclipsing any other engagement here on steem and elsewhere. Please consider downvoting with a lot less than 100%, simply because you are fucking with people's convictions, not some trivial bullshit.