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RE: Newslink: Scientists Create A Human-Pig Chimeric Fetus

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Thank you transhuman and for the reminder of Dr Moreau.

It is clearly a human trait to always do things that can be done. There is never any restraint. Pandora's box is always opened without a moment's hesitation and the justification is always either, if we don't do it, someone else will or we must do it to help everyone. There is zero wisdom in this approach because very often the potential consequences are irreversible and unknowable and take a subjective view of what is good for people. Has all the advances of the modern world made the people of the US happier, healthier, longer-lived, wealthier? No. The majority of anything learned is hidden and hoarded and used to exploit everyone else and in fact make these questionable paths easier and easier to tread. One day, we'll all wake up and we won't know what we are anymore if we don't destroy ourselves outright. We need to find wisdom and restraint first, then push the dangerous borders of our knowledge.

There is plenty of science that can be done that does not require playing with fire or moral gymnastics. There are perhaps other ways to grow organs.
