Big collapse vs big bang

in #science7 years ago

Ok time for a little philosophy.

Everything in the universe is frequency

So if there is a big bang then there also will be a counterpart, a big collapse. So this is then the lowest frequency in our part of the universe.

And since science has discovered that space is expanding at an ever faster rate it makes me wonder if this isn't the very proof that we are already in the process of the big collapse.

Now I still don't believe in the way the big bang is explained, that our entire universe exploded from one point of origin and that would then be the milky way.

Back yo the big collapse, and the 'expanding' universe:

Maybe it only looks like the universe expands, when we are near the center of the collapse (near the star, our sun).

What would stand in the way of this?

And would that somehow stand in the way for humanity to actually explore the universe further then our own solar system?


As you know, I am no scientist . I don't know how we got here or how it was created. But my mind tells me it wasn't a big bang, how we leave here might very well end up being a big bang but I am not sold on the big bang theory or evolution for the that matter.

It's just that, in the back of the mind it just can't be like that. A pop out of nothingness.
Our sun is a star
Stars collapse all the time. So why should our sun be the center of the universe. It's just like once they thought the earth was the centre of it all until Gallileo proved them otherwise, from then on the sun was the centre...

But our sun is merely a star in the milky way that turns around the black hole at the centre of the milky way, And the milkyway itself probably turns around yet something bigger. But at such a low speed that it doesn't register on a human scale.

So speed of light then makes one wonder. if earth turns around the sun, and sun around black hole, then at what speed are we really flying to space on spaceship earth?
We are all cosmonauts on a junk planet drifting trough space.

Gallileo never proved anything, he convinced others to believe Copernicus's theory and he discovered a couple moons near Jupiter. The earth isn't flying through space, and it's not spinning at 1,000 MPH like they want people to believe. I don't know for sure what the shape of the earth is but I would have to believe it is not a spinning globe. The sun and the moon are no way the distances that they claim either, if so the temperature would be the same all over the earth at the same time, because according to the scientists the earth is about 24,000 miles in circumference , if the sun is millions of miles away and is our heat source the 24,000 miles isn't squat that could allow for such varying temperatures. It is all lies and deception , lies and deception.

woops, looks like my memory blanked out.

Thanks for the update hehe. For a non scientist you you have a good nose to spot flaws. :-)

But who actually proved it again... Was it Pythagoras?

With all the water and he spinning motion the globe is more eliptical then round.
I have been looking into the flat earth theory like @tmave117 mentioned but that makes my mind go into overload when trying to figure out how a plane can go around the flatness, and how this would work with sattelites.

Still i found some interesting ideas about this.

And what if earth is a dodecahedron?

I believe everything has a frequency, but also believe God created the world and the earth is flat and in the center of it all.

The GOD concept is also a bit strange to me.
I'm not saying there is nothing, but i find it difficult to name it GOD, and attach religious values to that entity.
I mean if there is a real GOD in the religious sense, then why do sp many people suffer and why do the rich get richer wile causing even more suffering? To me GOD had a lot of opportunities to stop it before it got out of hand as far as it is right now.

But on the other hand there are way to many unexplained things in the spiritual world.
So in that sense I tend to think that it is possible that there is something out there in the spiritual world somehow. And people with near dead experiences are able to speak about the same thing somehow.
But that's not GOD to me.
And this is also fascinating. And maybe i'm wrong, and maybe GOD is just tired to fix this planet. And for that I could not blame him either.

The flat earth is a bit too far fetched for me, i'm trying to see how that would work when flying over the edge. But now i have to look into that concept.

Nature is a wonderful thing.

About flat earth i came across this post from @steemtruth

The little i know about the flat earth theory, this post seems to show me enough facts to say that i now know enough about the flat earth theory.