Elissa, I think I first came across you on your Youtube channel, and after recently giving fb the boot to explore the goings on of steemit, its nice to come across a familiar face.
Brian came into my world early last year after I jumped in to the Flat Earth story via Eric Dubay. I loved the way Brian explored the topic in a reasoned curious manner and he came up with some very good arguments (as does Eric) that support a flat earth.
Not really sure where I stand at the moment. I guess if I had to say something I would be in the camp of it being a construct. I've followed Lisa Harrison since the OPPT days and watched her exploration of the construct idea and her interactions with Leeloo. A possibility worth exploring. Interestingly, Lisa was also told to stop her narrative.
One thing we do know is that NASA (never a straight answer) is full of shit so relying on them for any truth is a waist of time. Truth will only come from people who are willing to look at all possibilities with an open mind and more importantly, an open heart.
thanks for your inspired comment... for some reason I dont resonate with either of those women, perhaps i will check out what they are up to now, thanks again