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RE: Science Under Attack

in #science8 years ago

as much as i like the pessimistic view of the now occurring situation i would point out that science is ALWAYS UNDER ATTACK for that matter. i think that the job of the sciences is to FIND, CONFERM AND PROTECT the hard truth from all the pseudo-pop-politic sciences - truth - stories. scientists are like artists, always searching for some truth with their minds and hearts, underpaid (except for the contractors: science/military - industry, artists/church -advertisment) and on the margin of society becouse they are pushing and pulling the beliefs in which we live in. chasing the everchanging truth.
you can buy the paper, the story and the people but THE TRUTH CANNOT BE BOUGHT. time will tell and real science should remain unaffected by market, politics and society. and society always follows the truth becouse there is no other way (there is denial, but: Regardless of how far a person runs, a lie will eventually catch up to them. —Donald L. Hicks)
we need your vigilant eye so we can sleep peacefully and dream the stories we are told, knowing there is somebody who will shake us when the house is burning.
thank you


thank you for your thoughtful comment.