Enjoyed your post and presentation, hope more will come.
Just one thing that I wanted to call your attention to. When you say "chosen by evolution", in my understanding it implies that evolution is a conscious process that sat down and made a decision. Yes, biologists use shorter formulations like that all the time to save time and space. "The less effective processes didn't continue and the more effective ones continued" seems much more cumbersome. But I suggest we use these cumbersome but more accurate expressions because otherwise we are talking just like there was intelligent design. But if evolution happened, then there was no intelligent design. So why not remove such phrasings from our language?
completely agree. I used that phrasing because, as you say, it is easier to understand at a basic level. I did not want to start using more cumbersome expressions yet without having written an article about evolution and natural selection to which people could refer to understand better the process. The more articles I write the more accurate I will be since people will be able to refer to previous articles to understand the complexities. In short, my goal is to do what you say but previously building the basics so they do not get lost.