"But the Chinese scientists didn’t get the joke — they get it seriously!"
Er... There are actually quite a number of fusion reactors around the world:
If you don't know how, check Markdown.& BTW, it's also considered good style to actually mark copied & pasted text. Much of your post eg. looks like it's from RT (or wherever RT got their text from): https://www.rt.com/news/443995-china-fake-sun-nuclear/
Did any of the listed at Wikipedia managed to reach 100 million Celsius, @bossel?
Yes, few of them. I will bother these days to find you some references. But for sure JET, JT60-U and TFTR had even over 200 million ;)
The viral news is a great milestone for that particular machine, but not a big new for the fusion community. What is more amazing is the length of such "hot" plasma.
Делујеш као неко ко зна о чему прича, @wlakinsson :)
Пратим те и чекам даља објашњења.
Pa znas kako, i mi naucnici mozemo malo da se zezamo ;)
Hvala za pracenje, trudim se makar jednom nedeljno da izbacim nesto o fuziji.