The problem with all of this theory, is that they sound logical.
Unfortunately, since science spilt physics from metaphysics, they will never see the answer that is right in their face.
See is NOT believing. BELIEVING IS SEEING.
We do not see aliens because we do not believe in them.
It is a part of free will. If we do not want to see and interact with aliens, then we will not. And there is nothing the aliens can do about it. It is also something we will have to learn before we are allowed to become a space fairing race. (not because anyone will stop us, but because without that wisdom, we will be stuck in a loop that we can never leave.)
It looks like man has decided that aliens are real, and in a few generations, everyone will "know" that aliens are real and we will have lots of contact.
You can get a set of night vision goggles and watch the space ships fly around at night.
You can go to many UFO hot spots, where many go to see have seen flying saucers.
But, the problem with all the above logic is that everything in our science books are wrong.
The speed of light is not the ultimate speed.
There is near instant communication across the universe.
Space is not linear.
The speed of light is not constant.
We do not live on a ball floating in space (vacuum)
Gravity does not hold the galaxy together.
We don't even know how to see other life yet.
There is life on planet earth that we are not even aware of.
Funnily enough I was thinking of you as I wrote this, in particular when I wrote 'the laws of physics are universal'. I thought to myself, good old @builderofcastles will have something to say about that :-)
Yet the very technology we are communicating with right now is based on that 'wrong' science. Pretty nuts huh?
Yep, it comes down to a difference between science and engineering.
Yes, there was a repeatable phenomena, and it has been utilized and developed into the modern binary computer and internets.
However, our explanations of those repeatable phenomena are incorrect, and so engineers are finding road blocks in scaling both larger and smaller of microchips. If they had correct science, they could be making circuits 100 times faster and less energy intensive, today. But now, we have to wait until someone just stumbles blindly upon something that works.
And maybe this time, they will say, "oooooh, maybe we should take into account the lumineferous aether, all of these anomalies simply work out if we use that."