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RE: Ever heard of the "decline effect"?

in #science7 years ago

Natural selection and climate change have been verified in thousands of different ways by thousands of different scientists working in many different fields. (This doesn’t mean, of course, that such theories won’t change or get modified—the strength of science is that nothing is settled.)

Well, this is the problem with these ideas.

Climate change has become entangled with man-made climate change, and thus has become soooo false, that everything needs to be swept off the table, and start from scratch.

From real climatologists, the statements are, we don't have enough records to predict anything.

Such as, we are entering a mini-ice-age right now. It is the first ever to occur when we actually have the means to measure it.

And natural selection will be thrown out the window here shortly.
We have all seen species extinction, but we have never seen species creation. After we do, all the drivel we have (trying to disprove that the universe is sentient) will become nothing more than a door stop.

Further, what this scientist is missing is how inventions and break throughs happen. A scientist will NEVER find a breakthrough in an area they are not fanatically interested in. So, telling a scientist to ignore that area over there (which they are really interested in), because we need more scientists over here is worse than counter-productive. It destroys all of the gains that may have been made, and makes a scientist unhappy (with disastrous effects) and wastes money.