The michelson-Morley experiment fails on so many levels.
The greatest minds who lived, Tesla, Steinmetz, Heaviside, Maxwell, who have brought us almost everything in our modern world, all believed in the aether. The champions against aether have not produced anything of benefit, except to fill the ivory towers.
We need to begin anew, and actually study the aether. We need to study fields. We need to throw out physics that would only believe in tangible things. If we were like this a few centuries ago, we would still not believe in radio waves or microbes.
Agreed; if I may, I would highly suggest checking out one of my other articles, The Big Bang's Big Assumption. It explains how distant galaxy redshift observations are caused by gravity and have nothing to do with motion, as well as simultaneously showing how gravity produces electromagnetism. :) And I have a lot of other unique articles on here. My website is CascadingUniverse.Org where I have a book, The Simple Reality, and research paper and youtube videos in the UPNP (Universal Principle of Natural Philosophy) section.