In case you haven't noticed, every time that a possible link between Vaccines and Autism is brought out, the media IMMEDIATELY mentions the "discredited" and "fraudulent" Dr. Wakefield. Dr. Andrew Wakefield has recently been in the media as the Director of the documentary VaxXed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.
Producer, Del Bigree, schools a caller on the TRUTH about Dr. Andrew Wakefield.
Here's the TRUTH:
The paper that the Lancet retracted, was NOT A STUDY OF VACCINES AND AUTISM. That is the beginning of the hoax surrounding Dr. Wakefield's paper. The paper was a study of a novel bowel disease and autism. After Dr. Wakefield, a Gastroenterologist, published a paper about Chrohn's disease, a mother called him and said that her son had the same gut disease, which started after her son developed autism. Her child was in writhing pain.
What the paper DID prove was that there was a distinct intestinal disease going along with autism. They found that when they would clear the gut out to do a colonoscopy the day before to look at the intestinal tracts of these children, that many of the mannerisms would disappear, like the head banging and the rocking. What the paper pointed out is that autism is not just a neurological disease, but that there is a connection to the intestinal tract.
The connection to the vaccine, was ONLY A SIDE NOTE in the paper.
8 out of 12 of the parents said that the autism developed right after the MMR Vaccine.
It was a CASE STUDY. Case studies are small! This was the beginning, first look at an issue.
In doing a Case Study, you MUST document everything that everyone says, including all of the doctors that saw the child, all of the background, and when 8 out of 12 parents said that the MMR caused the Autism, you must document it! The other 12 scientists that were working with Andy did have a problem with publishing it because their funding came from Pharmaceutial companies. Andy asked them a question -- he asked, "If the parents had said that 8 out of 12 children developed autism after coming down with the ACTUAL measles, would you have published it?" They said "Yes." So Andy convinced them to include the parents' comments. These other reputable 12 scientists had to put their signatures on the study beside Dr. Andrew Wakefield's.
The results of the study were submitted to The Lancet, a British medical journal, for publication in February 1998. The paper stated:
“We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described. Virological studies are underway that may help to resolve the issues. If there is a causal link between measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and this syndrome, a rising incidence might be anticipated after the introduction of this vaccine in the UK in 1988. Published evidence is inadequate to show whether there is a change…”
The paper wasn't retracted by the Lancet until 10 years later. The Pharmaceutical company didn't want this information out there. Andy's medical license was also revoked.
The truth cannot be stopped!
Truth cannot be stopped but we all no the sheep will not or refuese to understand and Trust there loving Government
Unfortunately a lot of people do not understand how proper scientific research in general is conducted, medical research in particular. Even worse they don't really understand how science in general is advanced. They know what they see in television and movies. And so many of these people do not learn anything for themselves and need other people to tell them the "facts". If you ever try to have a conversation with someone about nutrition or anything medical they could do themselves you can see their immature attitude about it.
The VAXXED issue is about fraud and the media as well as congress denial to even look into the fraud after Dr. Thompson is voluntarily admitting to the fraud. You don't need to be a scientist to realize how the best scientific research does not help if fraud is doing with it what it wants.