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RE: Myth or Fact? #5 – Does drinking distilled water kill you?

in #science8 years ago (edited)

I know lots of people who have cured themselves of cancer and other serious diseases with distilled water therapy. This article is completely misleading, and missing some very deep research and concrete evidence. New born babies are given distilled water. I've seen my own mother cure herself of serious immune based illness and hypothyroidism with distilled water. People with kidney disease are given distilled water, all life is based on distilled water, hundreds of doctors who are not supporting the mainstream agenda to cause illness for profit will tell you to only drink distilled water. Distilled water cleans out the inorganic minerals and limescale and fluoride, it decalcifies the pineal gland and internal body. Here are twenty four doctors that encourage distilled water therapy.

“It is Mr. Bennet’s theory that old age and ill health are caused by the collection in the arteries and about the joints of lime and clay sediments contained in drinking water. This mineral coating, he believes, interrupts the proper circulation of the blood, prevents the necessary irrigation of the skin, produces stiffness of the joints and dulls the action of the brain.”
“Distilled water and olive oil, one used internally, the other used externally, are my elixirs of youth,” declared Mr. Bennett. “They will counteract the decaying conditions in the body. You must DRINK LARGE QUANTITIES OF DISTILLED WATER, rub yourself with pure California olive oil, and take a moderate exercise. That is the secret which my friends have so long wished to learn.”
“Why, ten years ago I could not read without glasses. Today, I can read the smallest print without artificial aid of any kind.”