The earth is warming and it's due to CO2.
We, humans are to blame for it.
97% of scientist agree on that.
Polar ice is melting.
Coral is dying due to warm water and high water level.
Photo taken from unsplash, made by Sam Ferrera
What you just read are a only a couple of statements we hear on almost a daily base. We must pay to safe the planet. Only if we change our habits now, we can achieve that, but it'll cost, a whole damn lot, and who is going to pay? You are. Who is goint to get rich? The scientists and the companies they work for.
Untrue? Really. Well, let's watch a couple of YouTube videos shall we?
Climatechange explained
In the following video you see the explanation of climatechange. Climate changes, it Always did, get used to it.
ice caps are melting
Are they? Really? In the next video you'll see that the opposite is true.
but 97 % agree on it
Nice. And how does that came up? 97 % of what, or who? And what is 97% anyway when it comes to people?
This video shows you how they came to 97%
Earth temperature is rising
But my dear scientist, satellite data tell us different. How do you explain that? Well, they don't. We are stupid and we should listen to them. Get it?
This video shows the brutality of telling us that we are actually idiots and that we just have to listen to them and shut up.
are they lying then?
Well, see the next video and decide for yourself.
Climate change is real, it never was any different, but buying the lie that you are to blame for it and that you could do anything about it, is something they want you to believe.
Still believe in your influence on the climate?
Buy my books, they are better fiction, sometimes they contain dragons.
Thanks for watching and reading and don't forget;
I went to a conference explaining The Global Warming scam. Lord Moncton explained that scientists have used the WRONG calculations for years. Its a MONEY MAKING SCAM by the UN to steal money in the form of CARBON TAXES off the people of the world.
Ah yes, of course it's always us humans, ruining everything. What about the big companies who profit no matter which side of the coin is turned? They can profit by changing the weather and profit by blaming us for it. And yes, the climate is always changing too. Change is a natural part of life, nothing stays the same forever. Thought-provoking post!
Thank you. you are absolutely right. Climate is being used to earn money.