Something interesting to think about!
If we are in a simulation, that in no way would disprove a God creating the universe. I mean, how much do we know of how God actually did it all?
Let's say we are His children, and we lived as spirits with Him, where ever He is. Let's say He wanted us to learn and grow and develop in a way that requires a physical and imperfect body (Kind of like parents wanting their children to get out of the house and get a job and a life of their own). How would He do that? He might create a universe where suitable bodies would evolve on a nice little blue green planet.
What is that quote? "We are not mortal beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a mortal experience."
I can't remember who said that.
If this theory is true, then He created a universe our spirits could interface with. (That interface is our own individual bodies). I'm thinking of James Cameron's Avatar-like simulation, at least for the purpose of this post.
This universe being a simulation would in no way invalidate our worth or future. We would still be individuals with individuality and purpose. Maybe when we are done with our own individual simulations, we would return to God's realm and learn how to create our own simulations for our own future children! The Multiverse Theory would seem to support this idea.
As far as the mathematics... this is what intrigues me, though I am not a mathematician. There is some indication that the math that describes a black hole also describes the whole universe. Fascinating! Does that mean that the All of Everything can be compressed to a single point? And what would the universe look like if we were as large as the universe? What realm would we experience?