How Do Meteorologists Predict the Weather?

in #science7 years ago

The term "weather" includes all states of the atmosphere. "Weather" includes such conditions of the atmosphere as cold, warm, dry, wet, sunny, cloudy, windy, quiet. The weather changes every day, and everything that happens during the year is called "climate." The weather is influenced by various factors, but the most basic is the Sun. Solar heat evaporates water and warms the air, causing the rising streams of warm air to raise water vapor to the sky. There the air cools and the fumes condense in the rain. This can happen gradually or quickly. With a sharp change in weather, there are storms.

In England, there are about 200 points registering the weather, about the same is available on the territory of the rest of Europe. In addition, "weather ships" located in the Atlantic, as well as special aircraft carrying watch, monitor the weather. The weather forecasts are based on these messages and other meteorological data. Maps that are learned by weather specialists can tell them different information: areas with the same pressure, areas with equal temperature, wind direction, clouds or clear sky, rain or snow, the amount of rainfall, areas with increased or decreased pressure.

Meteorologists, by studying the map, can predict what can be expected under given atmospheric conditions. They know that low pressure means strong winds due to the movement of cold air to replace warm, rising air, saturated with moisture. High pressure means good weather.

In the Northern Hemisphere, winds in the areas with high pressure are blowing clockwise. At low pressure - counter-clockwise. That is, even the direction of the wind can be predicted. Meteorologists also know the speed of moving areas with different pressures.

Knowing all these details, as well as having reports of weather from many parts of the country, a meteorologist well imagines what kind of weather is expected in your area!

What does the weather depend on?

First, let's try to determine what the weather is. Despite the fact that every person uses this word constantly, many people have such a problem that will cause difficulties. Weather is a state of the atmosphere in a particular region of the Earth. It can be cold or hot, dry or rainy, windy or calm. Any combination of different amounts of moisture, heat and movement in the atmosphere is the weather. And it is in the process of constant changes from hour to hour, day to day, month to month, year to year.

Daytime changes are caused by different processes in the atmosphere. Seasonal changes (from winter to spring, from spring to summer, etc.) occur as a result of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Reasons for changing weather over the years to the end are not established, although recently one of them, and besides playing a very significant role, is man's production activity.

The most important factor determining the weather is the heating or cooling of air. The difference in the degree of heating at different points in the atmosphere leads to the appearance of winds and affects the amount of moisture evaporated from the surface of the earth.

Humidity - the amount of water in the air - along with the temperature has a significant impact on the weather. It determines to a large extent the probability of cloud accumulation and precipitation.

Meteorologists - people studying weather - predict what it will look at the existing weather fronts. Front - this is the boundary between the masses of warm and cold air, or, for example, between clusters of clouds and a clear sky. As a rule, weather changes, including such unpleasant phenomena as thunderstorms, snowfalls and others, are associated with the movements of these fronts.

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