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RE: Anyone Know anything about POLE SHIFT? Should I start Googling: "Underground Gardening" ?

in #science8 years ago

Yep shit is happening. @ecoknowme did you research what's under DIA? underground is happening. Big time. I disagree with dude in first video that part of the money that disappeared going into "spying " no dude its all going into underground, but mostly into finalizing mars terraforming, yes the 'secret' space program. Well, yes nasa is full of shit about the timelines of major cataclysmic events Happening. They are part of the conspiracy after all. We are also "due" for a major fault line through the Midwest and some building reinforcement has been underway but not to the level needed to actually be really benificial. Truth is HARRP learned how to control those tectonic plates years ago. California will probably drop off into the ocean before we have to worry about these other events. Be great for population control too. When the SHTF you can be guranteed that TPTB will be whisked off to their underground city safe and sound. I think the vast majority of problems from tectonic plate shifts they are controlling. They can't fuck with them too bad though or their underground network will be fucked. Every major metropolitan area has underground. Underground is everywhere.

Then once earth isn't do habitable anynore they'll whisk them off to the beautifully terraformed mars that also has an artificial environment. But not to worry the dignitaries, as it will have already been field tested by "brave people " (us) who signed up to help prep mars for humans!


The following response is for entertainment purposes only: Thanks for your comment @chelsea88 ! I have seen a lot about the ancient and modern underground habitats that are still probably being made and even people from the 50s could afford to make their own mini version to sit out storms or worse. Communication tampering is probably a tiny % compared to the other fun toys that could be made, but who knows? Regarding weather modifications, definitely agree that if all that has been fine tuned, then indeed lots of things are possible in the sky and underground with tectonics and such... BUT the thing I found really fascinating about this rabbit hole is how it related to other things I came across, but were not seemingly in the awareness of any of the videos (I put probably too much content in posts, but I don't care about brevity when clarity and diversity might contribute more to those who have or are willing to put in the time, many posts can be eaten digested and passed in a weekend, but most on here seem to like pictures) I put in this article. So, we got our technologies, we got the sun, we got the solar system responding to the center of our galaxy and so on up the turtles.... The main nerd I reference here has a wicked grasp on electo magnetism and how from an atom, up to planets and beyond... the same pattern repeats. Atoms can get charged and flipped, planets do it and even whole galaxies go through periods of change... we shuffle our feet on the carpet or touch toes to the Earth and experience charge in our own little way. What I wish was also included was the research regarding Exo planets, that if true/relevant would be an extra factor interacting with our sun and Us. So the real question is.... what happens? Aug 21st 2017, very soon a beautiful eclipse will be happening across North America, Sept -Oct the trend in vague and weak magnetic fields for both the Earth and the Sun should continue to get worse and then on Dec 21st The (potentially) real end of the Mayan long count happens and lots of really rare alignments happen for the first time in ages. The pattern this guy noticed was how that relates to Earthquakes. Chile, Nepal, Alaska, Haiti (though I'm probably more with you on that one :/) all happened to coincide with particular planetary alignments. There is nothing stopping those in the know from using super toys to help guide these forces a bit, but as much as I wanna imagine that TPTB have unbelievably powerful stuff, I still don't think they can compete with the forces of the sun, gravitational pull from all bodies around us AND the overall changes in electromagnetic charges across micro and macro distances. Cosmic wind be a MF. But then again, I just dabble and don't really know what I'm talking about, I just find it interesting to try and put it all together. Regardless of the 'singular' cause of all the strangeness in the world these past few years or decades, global weirding/climate change be it natural or man made or both, or that we are in a VR game and the programmers are just messing with us....... it is nice to question things and try to broaden horizons. Like I said, in the least, we might learn some astronomy or physics as a side effect. Thanks for the RESTEEM and for taking the time to check this out!

All true stuff. I am def intrigued by aug 21 eclipse. So much to learn. I'm a conspiracy theorist and can come across as calloused towards "new discoveries" because i really feel like discoveries are only revealed if "they" want us to know. That's why TPTB haven't announced that aliens exist even though im pretty sure most people blinded or not have at least entertained the idea!
(That i know for a fact)