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RE: Scientific Evidence Shouldn't Dictate Your Opinion

in #science8 years ago

Well, yeah. Of course it wasn't intentional. I've got severe psychological problems....could write you a book about how these different "scientific ' doctors have treated me. One gave me a piece of paper with about a dozen questions at the time i was in a state of severe depression so i answered on the extreme scale of everything. She immediately looks at it says oh :you are a bipolar". Just like that. Then she said my parents had their "reasons" for doing what they did when i was a young child so maybe i should consider that before believing what my other doc said about me having ptsd. Very scientific indeed. One paper with like 12 multiple choice questions was enough science for her


Psychology is bullshit. I would advice you to stay away from them in the future.

Yea it is if your in the wrong hands. That was when i first began addressing my mental health. Many years ago. I now have very capable, knowledgeable experts in my corner.
I have PTSD - the startle response, hypervigilance, can't sleep with others, horrid daily reoccurring flashbacks, the whole 9.
That's not bull shit. This is a medical condition. My point was there are quacks out there but that doesnt mean i can't get the RIGHT kind of help for My problens

I hope you get better.

Thanks, means allot