The strange object was found in a small city called Carlos Spegazzini, just a short drive from the capital city of Buenos Aires. The suburb is home to both farmers and several affluent communities. But what this rural farmer found…
When Jose first arrived on the scene, he began to dig at the object. However, he quickly found himself running to tell his wife. Jose needed more support if he was going to investigate this oddity.
Even the dog was hesitant to investigate. Unfamiliar with the object, man’s best friend was not about to jump at it with little concern. Therefore, they chose to call in somebody who’s have a better idea of what to do.
When the police first showed up, they were just as stumped as Jose. They knew this object was something out of the ordinary. It might even be something extraordinary, but more questions lingered.
It quickly became apparent, it was time to call in the big guys. That’s right; when you find something that appears to be out-of-this-world, it’s time to call in those who study the mysteries of the old world.
Authorities called in archaeologists who jumped at the chance to study the object. They quickly determined one thing was for certain: the ancient behemoth that left this behind was absolutely massive! The group was unable to move the shell, as it weighed nearly two tons!
Apparently, this massive beast was not the only of its kind lingering in the modern-day world. Similar fossils had been found in the surrounding areas and had even made their way to museums. But what was the ancient beast?
As it turns out, the fossil was in fact the shell of an ancient glyptodon, as confirmed by paleontologist Alejandro Kramarz of the Bernardino Rivadavia Natural Sciences Museum. The species dominated South and Central America up until a couple thousand years ago. But that wasn’t the only discovery…
The glyptodon was an armored mammal that lived during the Pleistocene epoch. They are thought to have coexisted with early humans for several thousands of years. It’s also believed that climate change and the rise of humans, who likely hunted them for their shells, contributed to their extinction.
Despite past discoveries, authorities on the subject still questioned the legitimacy of such an object. Skeptics doubted that such a massive and ancient structure could remain in such pristine condition for so long…
Great Article!