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RE: Tech Report: The Science Behind Molecular Robotics!

in #science6 years ago

The nanobot (molecular size robots) is small enough to pass through the cellular wall and make changes in individual cells in a living organism. It won't be long before we inject them into our bodies in the millions to then clean the junk out of our cells to restore youthful vigor. This used to be science fiction. In the near future it will become science fact. They can also release chemical compounds at desired targets (read medicine), that can cure disease or destroy tumors. If chemo therapy is a shotgun approach to fighting cancer, nanobots will be hunting cancer cells with a sniper rifle. Thanks @techblogger for always keeping things interesting.


Hi @Clayrawlings
What you mentioned is correct sir.
On daily basis new deceases are evolving and parallel now technologies are also developed to deal with it.
Some time it comes in mind that deceases are intentionally created to develop new technologies to deal with it.
A day will come when no one will die. And will have the option when we want to day and at what time.

I just hope I'm alive to see it.

Hi @ clayrawlings
Its more than 5 days I am missing your articles.

I just got back from Costa Rica for vacation. I will start posting again this weekend.