You failed to address any of my questions regarding proof or evidence to your claims.
You then continue to make claims with no backing.
Before continuing with more baseless statements, please respond to my questions that ask for evidence of all of your previous statements.
What? That "1 + 1 = 2" is an assumption?
I know they don't teach that in your typical mathematics class, but it is well known to all who look for it.
I would reply to you, but it's not possible.
You never answered any of my questions. And there is really no reason to continue, however ...
As far as 1 + 1 = 2 being an assumption, you never read Whitehead and Russel's Principia Mathematica (which I referenced in my first comment).
You'll find that they prove that statement 1 + 1 = 2 starting with assuming the concept of nothingness, or in mathematical set notation terms, the empty set.
For your homework for this evening, read the first chapter and do all the exercises.