7 scientific dilemmas that nobody dares to ask and everyone wants to know

in #science7 years ago


Our fear of remaining as complete idiots in front of other people has made books such as those that make up the "Para Dummies" collection so successful. It seems that the human being has displaced his natural curiosity by the need not to show himself weak or ignorant in front of his peers; However, the fear of asking or trying new things could stall him in a hole of ignorance much larger than the one in which he is submerged.

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Apparently, that fear erased the memory that thanks to the curiosity that arises in the face of ignorance of some issues, today we can enjoy technological advances that, had it not been for the fact that someone dared to ask and investigate about it, otherwise they would not have come to make our lives easier. Things as everyday as cars as we know them would not exist if Henry Ford had not started to investigate and make plans for his famous "Model T" that in 1908 innovated the automotive industry with its improvements such as the steering wheel to the left and the cylinders inside solid blocks for its best performance.

It may seem strange to say it this way, but the world has been built from questions and answers. Sometimes many of them are not even close to responding to our basic needs; however, they could help us to better understand our stay on the planet

How much can human life extend?
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Due to several factors such as the low quality of sleep and the little care that they invest in their diet, it is very difficult for a person to exceed 99 years of age; nevertheless, the period of life stipulated for a healthy person is 120 years, although there are pharmaceutical companies that are working on a method to extend another fifteen.

Why do not the monkeys continue to evolve?
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In reality, the human being does not come from any monkey. Although we share a common ancestor (Nakalipithecus Nakayamai), the family of the apes comes from a different species from which we came, same that appeared a little more than eight million years ago. To reach an evolutionary degree similar to that of the human being, the monkeys would have to be subject to the same biological and social circumstances as we are.

How are the species determined?
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Formerly animals were typecast in this or that species depending on their physical qualities; that is to say, depending on whether an animal looked like a dog or a cat, it was typecast between canines or felines. Thanks to the fact that DNA analysis allows us to trace almost any biological aspect of an organism, the classification of species is much simpler, that is why within the same family there are totally different animals.

Why does not the Moon fall towards Earth?
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Actually the Moon is in constant decline; However, the gravity acting between both bodies makes the Moon practically chase the Earth along its curvature, attracted by the mass of the planet and the distance between them. The gravitational relationship between Earth and Moon maintains the satellite in equilibrium, in the same way as it happens with the other bodies of the Solar System and the entire Universe.

How are reptiles regenerated?

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Although some organs of our body have the capacity to regenerate, the quality that some reptiles have of regenerating even complete members is fascinating. It is a healing process similar to ours. However, these animals not only heal the skin, but all tissues and the process does not stop until absolutely all the tissue is perfectly healthy.

What is the toughest material in the world?
scientific dilemmas material

Contrary to what many believed, the diamond is not the most resistant material in the world. Actually it's not even something we can get by opening a crack in the earth; it is the teeth of the limpet, a marine animal of the family of mollusks, whose teeth are formed by a mineral called goethite that, combined with some proteins, forms a practically indestructible compound capable of scraping or destroying rocks.

How are the cells fed?

cells scientific dilemmas
For a long time we have heard that cells feed on the nutrients that enter our body; however, very few explained to us how these substances are absorbed. Its nutrition is based on a process called endocytosis in which solid molecules are introduced into the cell through its plasma membrane.