Fossils: An Example of Evolutionary Propaganda

in #science7 years ago

We must always think critically about the “evidence” that is offered up as confirmation for the theorized evolution of species. Very often ideas are presented in such a way that they end up sounding quite plausible. Under closer examination, however, it usually becomes obvious that the scenarios being explained rely heavily on assumption and conjecture. That is to say, a predetermined concept is already established in the mind of the researcher when analyzing their evidence. This worldview then influences the way in which the data is interpreted. Any conclusions that are formed become entirely dependent upon that starting assumption. With careful analysis though, it becomes easy to spot the large gaps of reasoning hidden in between these statements of pure speculation.

This is precisely what happens when fossils are used as evidence for evolution. Investigators have already decided that evolution is true and are merely looking for evidence to confirm this preconceived idea. Thus, when they examine certain fossils that appear to have similar structures, they assume these similarities resulted through decent from a common ancestor. This will then be presented as definitive evidence proving that evolution took place and therefore is an undeniable fact. In reality all that has been proven is two animals with similar skeletal structures died. Simply drawing a line between the two on an eye-catching graphic lacks any degree of explanatory power. Furthermore, suggestions that similar features could be the product of design from an intelligent creator are routinely rejected immediately. This is short-sited logic when compared, for example, to the numerous human made objects that feature wheels.

Another common practice that manipulates fossils into “evidence” for evolution is the concept of the fossil record. This idea functions on the belief that it takes thousands or even millions of years to gradually build up the various layers of strata within the earth. This assumption allows scientists to treat the strata as a geologic time line reaching into the past.
Thus the fossils found in the lower layers are assumed to be older than those discovered in higher levels. This speculation is then wrongfully translated into further proof that seeks to confirm the theory of evolution. It also completely ignores a wealth of documented evidence that demonstrates major geologic features begin formed in only a few decades or less. It further disregards the presence numerous polystrate fossils, which are found vertically, positioned through multiple layers of strata.

Assumption and speculation like this is nothing more than educated guessing. True science, which is observable, testable, and repeatable, has no place for guesswork. Popular evolution based propaganda frequently declares, “We have the fossils. We win.” It’s worth noting, however, that fossils require a very specific set of circumstances to form. It is a common misconception that they require vast periods of time when, in fact, they actually can be created quite quickly. Instead of making imaginary connections between them, perhaps we should be investigating why we have discovered so many of them. The existence of millions of dead animals preserved in sedimentary rock layers over the surface of the entire Earth is a stunning piece of evidence for a water based extinction level event. The mainstream scientific community, however, will never consider this because it would seem to confirm the historical accounts of the Bible. And that simply won’t do.