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RE: Let me als supply this to the public domain. Free energy :)

in #science8 years ago (edited)

@everittdmickey, You've commented:

By that logic every welding shop in the US should be shut down.

By your logic, you seem to think you've dismissed the @lamare quote. Unfortunately, governments and their myriad minion agencies are not driven by logic.

an article published in 2010 by Sterling Allen. The quote asserts one thing; your statement another. At this point, I can only be agnostic about this. I must reserve judgement because neither of you have presented evidence as to what the FCC did - or did not - do in response to operation of the EV Gray motor.@lamare is quoting here from

I must confess, however, that as a long time observer of the perfidy of the federal government and its agencies, I would personally find it much easier to accept Allen's statement than your logical conclusion based on the existence of arc welders; unlike "free energy," welding technology is not a threat to the monied powers.

Logically speaking, your burden of proof is also much greater; in order for you to prove that the FCC did not order Gray to stand down, you would have to produce an exhaustive history of the FCC's actions during that time period. Good luck with that! ;)

@lamare, just a suggestion that you may want to re-format your quotations with a Markdown block quote in order to clarify that you have pulled in a paragraph from somewhere else... ;)

Cheers to both of you! Play nice.


You can take a horse to water.
But you can't make him drink
There is nothing that can be done for the willfully ignorant.
I'm done here.

The difference between Gray's spark gap and a welder is....a welder isn't making 100's of welds in a second for extended periods of time. You are obviously ignorant to spark gap transmitters used in the early days of radio? ? And I would suggest to you, to look into the difference between closed loop systems, and open loop systems in regards to thermodynamic laws, along with heat pumps with COP great than one. The main problem here, is you haven't been taught that there is energy in the "nothing" that can be gated into these systems. Sharp gradients are known to 'violate' laws in mainstream science:
"Kondepudi and Prigogine list several areas already known and recognized to violate the second law of thermodynamics. These areas include (i) rarefied media, where the local equilibrium concept fails, (ii) strong gradients , and (iii) long-lived memory effects in materials."
