Scitable is a resource from Nature Education with the purpose of promoting ongoing science education. The motto is "A collaborative learning space for science".
Many of their topics and concepts are on basic anatomy. Today I want to point out to one of these concepts, which has to do with cellular anatomy. In short, it is a brief introduction of the cell:
"Trees in a forest, fish in a river, horseflies on a farm, lemurs in the jungle, reeds in a pond, worms in the soil — all these plants and animals are made of the building blocks we call cells. Like these examples, many living things consist of vast numbers of cells working in concert with one another. Other forms of life, however, are made of only a single cell, such as the many species of bacteria and protozoa." [source]
The article goes into details about:
- what defines a cell
- the components of cells
- types and categories of cells
- how cells originated
These details are aided by graphical illustration which (as you might suspect I'd say) are very helpful in aiding the learning process. I'd also add that the content is friendly for the lay public, so if you're a life-long learning and you're prospecting cellular biology, this might be a good start:
Cristi Vlad Self-Experimenter and Author
Hallo Cristi! Pleas write a post abaut new article in lancet abaut commission on pollution and health. I think is importent thema.
Thanks for the suggestion! I will look into it.