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RE: Facial Recognition The Ticking Time Bomb?

in #science7 years ago

From my own point of view, I don't see it succeeding, it can't stand the test of time unlike the DNA which has been in existence for a while now.

This is what people said about DNA evidence in relation to fingerprinting.

Relying on it evidence has already made everybody a potential criminal.. Lol

Very possibly!

How will it identify identical twins?

How many identical twins where one is a criminal and one isn't exist in the world today?

I don't want to assume that it won't work, but I can say it won't last.

With so much money going into the technology I can only see this getting better and being adopted by more and more law enforcement agencies...




Yea, scary...

With injury to the face, will it still give accurate answer?

Probably not, and unlike fingerprint recognition whereby you can have 'backup fingers' you only have one face! :-D


And that's how far a real criminal can go, causing injuries to their faces to alter the result... Lol

Except it is combine with many other systems, I don't see it succeeding...