Micro fiction story [Original Content]

in #science8 years ago (edited)

The Question

Reiko hit snooze for a third time before turning off his alarm. He loved Sundays, those days he let himself sleep in, it was almost noon before he woke up. He scrapped the plans he made and decided to relax and indulge in a little reading instead.

“Maybe it is time to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory again?” he thought.

It had become a tradition to read one of Dahl’s novels every six months. More than the nostalgia of his childhood, it now took on a meditative effect.
But first, he needed to check his emails. He noticed that he felt a tinge of disappointment when he found no new mails. In a desperate attempt to discover something, he clicked on the spam folder. One of the mails caught his eye.

Congratulations! ryu69k0,
Your submission has won this month’s contest. Tune in to the livestream on October 21st to hear the answer.
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His head spun when the realization hit him that the world’s most powerful artificial intelligence, DeepGreyMind was going to answer his question. An image of Charlie winning the golden ticket flashed across his mind, as he thought “it can’t be a coincidence.”


nice to read fellow microfiction + cyberpunk potential here. :)