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RE: Science Under Attack

in #science8 years ago

I think a lot of the problem is because science and truth are now mutually exclusive.
All science is now is corporate funded, agenda driven and has no basis at all in truth. There is no purity in science any more.


yeap. Before science was performed for the same of exploration. Today, other interests are in place

I dream of a time when science may actually be used to benefit us and the world we live on, instead of the global elite and their corporate interests.

Science overall still benefits us even if vested interests persist

No where near to the extent it should be. It's too agenda driven now. The lie of global warming and the field of medicine are prime examples. Any science that disproves global warming is shunned and only science that shows its existence is supported. Medicine is even more skewed, with natural medicines that actually cure being ignored for those that can be patented, even though they never actually cure anything and only manage symptoms.
Science is about dollars and not about truth.

In a large extend it is.