in #science7 years ago

Do you have the habit of watching television? Regardless of the answer, you should know that most of the news that is on television is bad news. In a survey published by SAGE Journals, conducted by McGil University experts, he wanted to explore the theory that: people preferred to know bad news than good news. Is that really true?

Well, to do that, they used a group of volunteers who would select political news on a website. Strange as it may seem people have opted for stories that have a negative impact, with plots of corruption or falsehoods. But why does this happen? One study has confirmed what is known as the bias of negativity, it is basically the collective need to hear and remember bad news.

What we must not remember is that the world is not only made by bad news. Well we of Unknown Facts We have brought to our readers 11 best scientific news of 2017. so far. Check it:

1 - Gravitational waves

One of the biggest scientific news recently was that scientists were finally able to detect gravitational waves. It was at that moment that the LIGO (Observatory of Gravitational Wave by Laser Interferometer) was able to obtain proof of its existence and that they had their origin of the black hole fusion.

This advance is very important, since gravitational waves can give us information about the formation of the universe.

2 - Nuclear fusion

Nuclear fusion is seen by scientists as a power that would be unlimited, which would replace some others like salt water. Scientists have long struggled to create a machine to control even a nuclear reaction.

Recently Germany has started a massive nuclear fusion reactor, which has so far been able to contain a hot gaseous hydrogen plasma.

3 - Guinea worm disease

If you stop to think a little, the human being is always able to find cures, for diseases that were considered incurable until a certain time ago. Now we are about to eliminate Guinea worm disease. Until recently there were only 126 cases, thanks to a straw filter, which prevents people from being contaminated by water. Now in May 2017, only 5 cases of the disease were recorded. This evil is about to be eradicated.

4 - The end of poliomyelitis

We saw in the last topic that Guinea worm disease is one step closer to being eradicated, and probably polio will have the same fate. The contagious disease can attack the spinal cord and cause muscle atrophy and paralysis.

Since the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, which was launched in 1988, the numbers of cases of the disease decreased by 99.9% thanks to vaccination. In 2019, only 19 cases were registered and m 2017 were only 8.

6 - Treatment of autism

We are getting closer to getting a drug that can treat autism symptoms. In a study by the University of California School of Medicine in San Diego, it showed that a drug called suramine, used to treat trypanosomiasis, may better the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder in children. It is the first time that we are so close to having a medically with the power of treating autism symptoms.

7 - Salt water

As many should know, sea water is not fit for consumption, by the self-contained salt levels present in it. A team of scientists at the University of Manchester is working on a graphene based sieve that can convert seawater into drinking water. Although the project has not yet left the lab, it is a sign that someday we will see the quick and easy conversion of some of the more abundant products and features.

8 - Reversal of Alzheimer's symptoms

According to scientists from Cell Reports, lost memories do not go away forever. An enzyme that interferes with key processes of memory formation in people with Alzheimer's disease can be blocked, and thus it is possible to reverse memory loss. The enzyme is known as HDAC2 and its blocking does not cause collateral damage.

9 - Prevention of miscarriages

There are several recorded cases of women having miscarriages. Early in 2017, scientists discovered a very easy way to prevent this. A vitamin that could reduce the incidence of birth defects and miscarriages, vitamin B3. According to the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was ten years of research and revealed that women could avoid miscarriages taking vitamin B3 during pregnancy.

10 - Transport of the future

Designed by genius Elon Musk, the Hyperloop transport system promises to move in a 3,100 kg capsule and accommodate 28 people, and move at a speed of 1,220 kilometers per hour. Test capsules are already being built in the United States, the Netherlands, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

11 - Crystals can be folded

Just as you learn at school, the crystals are fragile and can not be folded. If you try to bend, it will break. But new research shows that crystals can bend, opening a new class of materials by changing the technological world.

A team of researchers at Queenslad University of Technology has shown that crystals can be so flexible that we will have to even change the definition of what a crystal is.

So, what did you think of the story?
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