Good day steemit. I just wanted to share a little bit of inside knowledge I have obtained regarding the next generation computers. The recent dwave quantum computer did not pan out quite as expected, however, there is a new semiconductor material that is making headlines. This new material is called silicon carbide, and is already revolutionizing the electronics industry. Currently the most common use of this amazing material is in high voltage automobile circuits. This is because silicon carbide can withstand thousands of volts, compaired to silicon, which cannot withstand much more than 12 volts, depending on the component's specifications.
Another, and perhaps the most important characteristic of silicon carbide, is its thermal capabilities. The main problem with silicon, is its inability to dissapate heat adequitely to prevent a runnaway heat build up, also called a melt down. This is the main reason computers are limited to about 4 gigahertz switching speeds, as well as why they require massive heat sinks and fans.
Silicon carbide is fundamentally different, in that it is able to dissapate heat fast enough to prevent a melt down. This will allow computer procesors to be able to have terahertz switching speeds, about 1000x faster than current processors, as well as remaining cool to the touch without any heatsink or fan at all.
Wow that's a huge leap! Any idea when something like this would hit the market?
No, but I think it would not take very much capitol to develop it. Can someone send a tweet to IBM or something? Seriously though.
Actually I'm pretty sure tde military has them, so maybe soon.