"Afraid of robots?
We should be, according to the conventional wisdom. They’re going to take our jobs away.
Maybe there’s another way of looking at it.
Maybe robots should be doing a lot of jobs.
The kinds of jobs that have been created since the Industrial Revolution have liberated us from much of the drudgery of the past, making it conceivable for the first time that people might – for a living! – be ballerinas, full-time musicians, mathematicians, athletes, fashion designers, and much more.
And so with robots. When it comes to jobs that require speed and efficiency, we can’t compete. So maybe we shouldn’t try. Let the robots have those jobs. Someday we may look back and wonder how people ever performed such dehumanizing tasks.
Instead, let’s concentrate on those areas where we excel – tasks that involve relationships, creativity, and human contact. Things that make us human, in other words."
I think he ^ (tom woods) says it best.
Yes, as long as the robots are nonconscious. But when they will be equal or better than us in "relationships, creativity, and human contact" then it would not be that easy. We may become obsolete in the view of the robots we created. :(