Hi @jetblake
It has been a while since a dropped you a message. I have just been busy myself.
As crazy as the stuff you write about sounds it makes more sense than the shit in our current science books.
The first time a read about the black star is in an article by Jamal Shrair
The idea sounded ludicrous but if you want to break through indoctrination you read the stuff that makes you most uncomfortable and see if there is not more truth to it than the bullshit you have been fed your whole live.
Is this work related to what Santos Bonacci talks about in this video?
I will listen to this interview. His drawings seem accurate in the back ground. I do not investigate Astrology as does he. The electromagnetism, field theory and unity (all being one) I agree with. Light and sound (frequencies) is what my science research involves. Conscious thought is a frequency, that is why our thoughts are so important.