Creating a higher potential

in #science7 years ago

Everybody has a max potential, physically and mentally however most people never reach their true potential. There are many reasons people don't reach their potential but for now I'm going to talk about some of the big reasons.

First and foremost we all have different genetics and of course that plays a big factor in how capable we are, if someone comes from a long line of athletes or scholars they are likely to be well versed in those areas, but outside of genetics is what I am interested in as it is something we are all capable of changing. It's all well and good to discuss how genetics effects potential but I don't know how to edit genes however I do know ways in which we can all reach our potential.

Before Birth:

It isn't down to us who are parents are and what kind of a lifestyle they lived before and during pregnancy however it is down to us when having children to make them reach their potential.

I like to look at potential on two scales pre and post birth because from conception to birth their is a lot people can do to improve their babys potential and the same goes for once they are born.

So imagine as soon as a baby is conceived their potential is between 1 and 100 and it is your job to make it as close to 100 and possible and it isn't just down to the mother. Recent studies show that if a man is obese their child is more likely to suffer from chronic diseases throughout life along with suffering from lower metabolic rates, hormone imbalances, issues with brain development and a long list of further issues.

Just from the father being in bad health that potential of 100 is no longer achievable, if you are an obese man your child will never reach their true potential. Then if the mother is obese there is a similar long list of affects to the child and their potential.

Then if the mother lives an unhealthy lifestyle of little to no exercise and a diet full of saturated fats and sugars it will lower the childs potential across the board. Then of course smoking, drinking and any drug taking will further lower the potential across the board whilst also making the child more likely to have genetic defects and similar issues as previously stated.

This is just a few examples of things that massively effect potential before birth and as a result if the parents do everything listed their child could be born at less 50 on the scale.

Upping max potential

In the same way all of what I said lowers potential there is ways you can heighten potential before birth. The most obvious things are to do the opposite of what lowers potential, get into shape before having a child and stop and smoking drinking and drug taking.

Other than that food is a major factor. If you eat an exceptionally healthy diet during pregnancy a childs potential can be lifted massively, if you are constantly putting good nutrients into your body the potential will rise as the child has a more nutrient rich environment to grow in. There are also types of fish you can eat that contain proteins that help with brain development and growth and that will lead to a higher potential.

Its all about putting the correct nutrients and proteins into the body and living a generally healthy lifestyle because it will lead to a child being born at their max potential.

In the coming days I will follow up this blog in another post discussing how potential can be affected all the way until we are fully grown, comment, vote and follow for more.


food is everything but its very hard to eat perfectly on a micro and macro level, its just not possibles but maybe in 1000 years human only eat suppliments and reach an age of 200 :D

I agree its not possible to eat perfectly on a micro and macro level but we can on a more reasonable level.

Wow that is putting huge pressure on expecting parents!! Also i think this will obviously help, but maybe having to struggle makes you stronger, even before birth , so possibly some people reach higher through adversity .

I disagree, I don't think it should be classed as a huge task to be as healthy as you can be, everybody is capable of exercising and keeping in shape enough so you are not obese. I also think people not living in complete poverty are capable of eating healthy food, as there are many cheap healthy foods they just tend do be seen as more boring and bland.

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