First thing's first: Welcome back. Good to have you here with another of your great debunks! Love this one.
Secondly: I find your style of presenting information, educating while making jokes at the same time and making references to serious scientific materials at the same time to allow any kind of reader to get interested in your topics.
I personally think that all this "overpopulation" fuzz is successfully used by politicians, media and other influential people and organization only for self-serving reasons and mainly for only one... drums... financial profit.
Sadly, today nobody actually cares where their information comes from, as long as it corresponds with their own beliefs and bias. Shame.
Thirdly: You've got a little bit of glitch with your markdown command for centering right here:
This culminated into the famous equation:
P(t)>P(t) = P0ert</center
All the best to you, as always !