
i just tried.. but im AFRAID i cant stomach it.. just his tone of voice is enough for me to say.. "blah blah.. its all just warping data to suit an opinion or preconceived idea"

if it was 20 minutes i might digest it.. but one hour i really cant handle!.. IM really sorry but im too old for this shit mate ;-) IM not saying its not true.. im just saying.. maybe i dont want to know.. or think about it!

Good onya for trying though! The related videos might be more palatable, but I don't think you'll wanna bother with those either. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and honesty.

@eco-alex I think he also probably got the same feedback.... So I put up his MAIN video he promotes (after a quick edit) that has more pretty visuals of planets and it is much shorter. The longer more boring one you tried, is below that now. Had I have put THAT one up instead, you woulda been 2/3 of the way into a much more manageable video. Your input was actually the most important thing for me here, so thank you!!!!