Very interesting explanation of how symmetry at deeper layers exists. I would also think that the the concept of 'Balance' explains in simple terms that symmetry exists, since something in balance means when some force is applied, some counter force is applied as well, ie symmetrical forces to keep eg an object at the point it is (when static in our human eyes for instance).
Interestingly, many things and processes in the world are in balance as well. Sometimes this balance is shifted a bit, but in fact everything is in balance. Research shows that this balances is however quite fragile, meaning most of what we can experience is in a Tipping Point balance, from weather, to stock markets, to 'stable' community and societies. That makes symmetry and balance even more interesting in my opinion. The balance is there, but it is fragile.
The symmetry may also be the cause of the Golden Ratio, the ratio that we can find in many natural items like the human, the leaves of trees etc. Something quite strange when we would believe in coincidence and no planning. Somehow the golden ratio also points to some higher laws that combine many things that we see around us and are seemingly not connected.
Not very well versed in this. But if the universe really came from nothing, then existence itself atm is a result of imbalance. Insert some stuff about entropy here :D
I think stuff like Golden Ratio and such are just as is. Just like if we're trying to explain consciousness, we just happen to be in one of the many universes that supports such a thing, being part of the structure.
Don't even know what I'm talking about here, just some brain fart ;)
Big Bang: Well there was this infinite heavy and super small black hole type of thing that exploded. This was apparently not infinite small; Everything was in there; It is now just expanded over a long distance. Balance is in the everything, ie on Universe level :)
Beginning/End, or not: Before the Big Bang there maybe was another big bang and universe implossion. There you could see balance again.
Matter: There is this theory that matter cannot exists without anti-matter. Although we have difficulties to create anti-matter and store it, doesnt mean it is not somewhere in the universe. We need the dark matter in the universe anyway, that large percentage of matter we cannot see/detect, for the big bang theory to work.
I like a theory called "the holographic universe". That theory basically tells us that matter does not exist, that we are all one, that anything that is different (eg earth, human, table, chair) is a glitch, an impurity, in a homogenous 'fabric' of energy.
LOL, on this side it is not much better :)