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RE: Flat earthers are funny

in #science8 years ago

I sometimes wonder if the flat earth thing is a inside joke with flat earth folks. Now im not one, i mean how can it be when its hollow ;) lol. But IMHO flat earth is a symptom of the secrecy, quality and consistency of information fed to the public.
Saying the earth is flat is like the ultimate questioning of the whole paradigm taught to the masses. Like they are hacking the shizzle out of their own mental programming. I mean if you can disbelieve something so fundamental then there really is nothing stopping you in creating your own paradigm and beliefs. And beliefs are what hold society together.

Many folks are quick to call them idiots and crazy for believing humans are the centre of everything, living on a flat morality testing ground and fully immortal. I would say why are not these same people standing out side the many religious buildings and temples calling those inside the same for believing in omnipresent all powerful gods and other such deity's that control everything and judge everyone.

When we are clearly IMHO animals running around a meaningless spherical rock in the vastness of space that evolved from primordial slime with no real purpose other than base survival and accumulating as much BTC as possible =).

But really we should not judge folks for believing something. If its hurting none and making them happier all the best to them.


with no real purpose other than base survival and accumulating as much BTC as possible =)

Hah, that made me laugh :D
So true though

It's good to question things, but you need to apply some sense. There are other issues that deserve more attention such as all the injustice being done around the world.