Which came first? The chicken or the egg? I explain ;)

in #science8 years ago

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Probably many people ask themselves this question, but if anyone has replied (yes)? ( We assume that this question comes to hen egg )

Let's start from the beginning:

At the beginning there was darkness .
Then God told and all was light.

Okay, we start over.

Some people think that in the beginning was the egg, because no "how to be a chicken without eggs ??". At first thought it is logical that if a chicken hatched from an egg yolk as well it would be the first chicken?

But according to researchers who analyzed the molecular structure, it was at the beginning of the chicken, because the development shell is responsible hen's egg protein, which is called owokledydyna-17 (OC-17). A protein produced in the hen's oviduct.
So was the first hen. Hatched from an egg of another species - evolution .


If someone wants to drill down further - how was the egg of another species, and which came first - the egg or chicken ancestor? What was not at all in the beginning?

I will say this, as I have already written - in the beginning there was darkness .

Please write in the comments following topics.


Photo source: AsapSCIENCE


If the egg came first where did humans come from? lol

humans dont lay eggs ...hahaha so ur question does not resemble

No, first was chicken! :D

@emmalore, First God made a male chicken, then God gifted him a female chicken, they both spent some good moments together and then the EGG came in the picture. It's the same as Adam and Eve's story. LOL :D

Hard shelled eggs have been around for 200 ma not sure theres any fossil evidence that chickens have, though their ancestors must of been around, without ancestors there's no descendants. We still have a bit of a hangover from the victorian era when everything was defined as seperate and pigeon holed.
My view is that we have one 'species' of DNA that expresses and changes itself over time in response to changes in its environment. Chickens are just one expression modified by man and the hard shelled egg is something developed 200ma by the birds ancestors .The egg came first