Something Extraterrestrial is coming...Join me and lets gaze up into the sky, you don't want to miss this!

in #science8 years ago (edited)

"Some people are sleeping on me its cool, are we not dreamers? Are we not from the cosmos? Are we not from the skies?.. distracted from looking up because we practice this 9-5." - Denzil Porter

This is a quote from a L!VE Art performer. If anyone is into modern style hip-hop I recommend a look.

Anyways back to the main point of this post.
Am I the only one who from time to time goes out into the night, just to simply to gaze out into the stars?
I remember specific times doing so, when I use to pull over-night security for a base in Montana while I was in the Air Force. I would sneak out into the middle of the huge open fields just to become swallowed by the feeling of being so small, so individually insignificant in the vast darkness surrounding me.
No lights for miles, nothing to pollute my view of the Cosmos for as far as I can see.
Off in the distance I can make out Snow capped mountains even though there is a warm breeze.
The air is completely silent, to the point my ears start to ring. Eventually the ringing quiets and I realize I am hearing true silence for the first time.
Its an consuming experience, especially for someone like me who grew up and lives near one of the bigger cities in the world.

Last night while sleep writing threw my applied mathematics homework and binge watching youtube videos, I somehow ended up clicking on this video. Basically this is a compilation of videos taken throughout multiple American states on the twenty-eighth of this month (7-28-2016). In the video you will see what the refer to as a " mass sighting of unidentified objects entering earths atmosphere." The footage is actually quite stunning and causes the mind to wander. So if you haven't already closed this post you should give the video a quick glance, the first minute or so is all thats really to get the picture.

Here is a shorter video I came across of the objects thanks to Peter Haraguchi.

Thanks to the guy over at Secureteam10 at this point I have completely abandoned my math homework, and I am now searching the web for some logic.

Sure enough there is some. The Delta Aquarid and the Perseid meteor showers are making their annual return. So get ready to stare into the night sky and witness a phenomena of multiple showers that todays greatest minds cant fully explain.

At this point you may be like me and think, "Annual? Ive never seen anything like that..." And this is what I have to say about that.

At this moment the only answers the web has to offer me is annual meteor shower, Chinese missiles/ satellites re- entering our atmosphere, space debris, or a space alien invasion. Im going to investigate the meteor shower theory first, but let me know what you guys think!

I believe the above video captured what is known as the Perseid meteor shower. This shower along with the Delta Aquarid shower in on schedule this year to burst into a light this July and August. According to Nasa meteor expert Bill Cooke, The Perseid meteor shower will be in "outburst" this year.
From what my reading has told me the above video took place when Perseid was at a rate of about 20 meteors per hour.
According to Cooke, "This year, instead of seeing about 80 Perseids per hour, the rate could top 150 and even approach 200 meteors per hour,"
If this is accurate we might be in for one HELL of a show!

So now the BIG question.

When can I see this insane event with my own eyes!?
The Earth will continue its journey through the path of Comet Swift-Tuttle up until late august. You will be able to see small displays of this extraterrestrial light show until then however the peak of this performance is scheduled for the night of the 11th into the morning of the 12th of august. During this peak outburst astronomers predict an astounding 200 meteors per hour!

This means on the night of the 11th, set up a nice comfortable chair outside, grab a beer, spark some fine green, or whatever your guilty pleasure is, and get ready to observe a display of reverence courtesy of this universe you inhabit.

I know where I will be watching from...

Take it easy everyone.

Special thanks to
@smooth @pfunk @andu @klye benji and firepower for helping my intro post gain speed.


Excellent writing. Will this be visible around the world or only in some parts?

From what I gathered this event will best be seen by those of us in the northern hemisphere, but can still be seen from almost everywhere. This is due to the shower lasting for the duration of two months. This is a good link I have found going deeper into detail.=]


Nice article @envi.sage! Consider checking out my new post if you'd like to!

Thanks man, and I will!

I live in Crestone Colorado in the San Luis Valley ..tonight the skies are magnificent but unfortunately so are the mosquitoes. Amazing dark skies here.

Thank you for the support!