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RE: Citizen Science: Project FeederWatch -- Count #17 Report w/Original Photos

in #science7 years ago

I spend up to four hours each weekend watching the bird feeders, counting birds, and taking pictures.

I take a lot more pictures than you see in my posts. I sort through them and try to find the best pictures to process and post. The pictures take up to an hour to sort and process.

When I have a video I can post it can take up to two hours to process the video. It depends on the size of the video and how much editing I have to do. I typically have to watch the video several times to select the best part for creating an animated GIF.

Entering the bird count data and taking snapshots of the screens can take up to a half hour.

Edit the blog post can take up to an hour depending on how many species of birds I have pictures of.

Total time is around 8.5 hours per weekend post.

Have a great week!
Steem on,