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RE: Global Ecosystem Rapidly Collapsing… Insect Biomass Plummets 75% in One Generation… Scientists Warn of “decimation”… Humanity may not Survive much longer

in #science7 years ago

ishment for the whole group (originally with reference to a mutinous Roman legion).

What's really funny is people like yourself who like to squabble over words

words mean things...if you can't chose the correct words to accurately represent what you intend to say what other errors in fact/judgement are you making? Words are tools of thought. Some people have very few tools.

while your planet is literally being destroyed on purpose
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

by very psychopathic people
I don't think that word means what you think it means.

. so... lol. you're funny

"I'm funny" that your argument?


Comically, are you arguing over your own misinterperation of the meaning of WORDS while the environment is totally destroyed by a criminal governmental corporation? You're flipping amazing!

ROFL!!! Demanding evidence... that is in the video while you... um... debate the meaning of the word "word"? Being Funny seems to be YOUR argument, so thanks for your projection. The article and video speaks volumes with evidences, all of which is researchable.

Argument? ROFL!!! You believe that ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION is an opinion that is debatable? my god. I am totally wasting my time on steemit if this is the quality of people here.'re wasting your time on Steemit. You should go back to FaceBook.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.