
The Media, the Dhmikrats, and the Rinos have openly declared war upon him.

As much as I disagree with the guy, this is true.

they have weapons of mass deception
I wonder if you do disagree with him...or you just disagree with what the media said he said.

No I personally do, but I disagree with almost any politician. I'm way loonier than you think ;)

the point I'm trying to you KNOW what he said? or do you just know what they said he said.

I know what he said. I'm not blindly following the BS that gets spewed or what the left says. Trust no media station. Only I still don't like him and also happen to disagree on an ideological level.

Well maybe he has deceived us all ;)

maybe HE's been telling the truth all along..
do you trust the news media?

Is there only one? I trust some of them

I have this bridge I'd like to sell's really cheap..

We've already done that to you lot ;)