Hello Kenny. There is a kind of philosophical/science speculation question known as the simulation hypothesis. Basically, the hypothesis observes that we have built simulated world's in videogames etc that are populated by virtual people, that with each increase in computing power the sim worlds and sim people get a bit more sophisticated. If this trend keeps up, in the future we may have thousands of very realistic sim worlds.
Now, we know that it is possible for there to have been life billions of years before it emerged here, which means there could be civilizations millions of years ahead of ours. And if they are running sim universes, odds are the one we experience is itself a simulation, because there would be millions of sim universes and only one real one!
I probably misspelled 'Matryoshka':)
You mentioned something about experiencing what it is like to be god. That would make a good steemit post. Is it an experience you would want to share with the community?